P Function Algorithm
A page about the p func algorithm.
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A page about the p func algorithm.
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Some tuple, , has elements. The ith element is .
The bound, or simply a, on the number of terms for the P function is given by:
The P function:
When the p function is evaluated it produces a single 1 followed by 2^(2^(a - 1) - 1) - 1 zero then the pattern repeats. This will be used to turn on-and-off terms in because the number of zeros will always be greater than the number of elements in .
There exist a function that equals when evaluated at some integer between .
This can be generalized into n-dimensions by summing different variables for each dimension.
The N-dimensional f function has N sums each with its own label.
For example the tuple:
The indefinite integral of this form
Can be rewritten in the form
This function returns q-1 n times and zero n times when written in base q. The tuple is generated by
Set q equal to two and the tuple becomes an on-off switch for mathematical functions. The functions a(n) and b(n) are inverses of each other.
The number of dimensions is N. The tuple being represented is labeled , where each index corresponds to a different dimension. The tuple is the representation of a point inside an N-dimensional cube and the value in dimension d is .
Where and are given by the p function with S equal to the tuple of length 2n created by the function:
The function is the reverse of . The length is known so simply changing the index of the sequence from to .